
Ready to apply to one of our Yoga Teacher Training Courses? Great decision!

Step One!  Simply click on this image below, complete your yoga application and send along with your a $900 deposit to our address below.  Like what you see?  Our St. Louis Yoga Teacher Training Courses may fill up very quickly. Please reserve your place today!

We accept check, cash, PayPal or foursquare.  When you send application along with form of payment, you will receive a receipt of payment and your space is reserved. Would you like to sign up in person.  Call and let us know-314-630-1677!

We will make arrangements to meet you in person.   


Click here, complete application and send along to the address below!

St. Louis Corporate Yoga

c/o Michelle Maue, ERYT

6642 Clayton Road, #338

Richmond Heights, MO 63117 
